20 May 2013

Fwd: [TechRepublic] Obama's cybersecurity executive order: What you need to know

IT Security

TechRepublic Member | February 14, 2013

Obama's cybersecurity executive order: What you need to know

Embargoed until the delivery the State of the Union address, US President Obama signed the expected and highly anticipated cybersecurity executive order. With potentially serious implications for US and foreign citizens' privacy, here's what you need to know. Read more

Resource of the day

Enhance The Oracle E-Business Suite

Check out this white paper to learn how you can improve the efficiency of the Oracle E-Business suite with the help of optimization.

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Manage insider threats: Knowing where the risks are

Tom Olzak details the insider threats that an organization should be prepared to defend. Read more

It's Microsoft Patch Tuesday: February 2013

Deb Shinder gathers the information you need to make the right deploy decision when applying Microsoft's February 2013 patches in your organization. Read more

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Ransomware cybercrime gang broken by Spanish police

A criminal gang which allegedly ran a ransomware network has been discovered and broken up by police in Spain. Read more

Android becoming mobile malware magnet, says report

As for the breakdown of Android malware, Blue Coat noted 58 percent was Android root exploits and rogue software. Read more

Anonymous reveals ample Fed access, FBI opens criminal investigation

Anonymous published a file revealing significant access to the Federal Reserve's internal files and servers; amid accusations of inaction and non-transparency the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into Sunday's bank hack. Read more

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Protect yourself with a Windows 8 Recovery Drive

Greg Shultz shows you how to create a Recovery Drive in Windows 8 for both a flash drive and an optical disk. View on site

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. said...

Nice post. Pleased to discover that U.S. president (former) actually care about cyber security.