13 September 2013

Facebook Has Gone To The Witches

The Koch Brothers' Secret Bank
Freedom Partners was unknown to almost everyone in politics. It raised and spent $250 million in 2012 to shape political and policy debate nationwide. It is an outlet for the ideas and funds of the mysterious Koch brothers.

Switching From The iPhone To Android? Read This First
Lots of people expected more from Apple's announcement yesterday. If you're not excited by the new iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s, and the prospect of upgrading to iOS 7 leaves you cold, we've got you covered.

You Should Really Just Click This Already
No matter what you're looking to build, Squarespace makes it fast and easy. To prove it, we're going to feature the best site made by any Digg reader who signs up with Squarespace this week. That's right, you could be right here. Your mom will be so proud.
What Witchcraft Is Facebook?

Mass psychogenic illness—historically known as "mass hysteria"—is making a comeback.

Vladimir Putin Writes NYT Op-Ed
In his piece urging the U.S. to use caution in Syria, Putin claims that chemical weapons were used by Syrian rebels and warns that the same militants are preparing an attack on Israel.
Read more on Digg.com →


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