24 September 2013

Detecting Program-Tampering in the Cloud

MIT News (09/11/13) Larry Hardesty 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed a system that can quickly verify if a program running on the cloud is executing properly, and that no malicious code is interfering with the program. The system also protects the data used by applications running in the cloud, cryptographically ensuring that the user will not learn anything other than the immediate results of the requested computation. The system currently only works with programs written in the C programming language, but the researchers say adapting it to other languages should be straight forward. MIT's Alessandro Chiesa notes that since the system protects both the integrity of programs running in the cloud and the data they use, it is a good complement to the cryptographic technique known as homomorphic encryption, which protects the data transmitted by the users of cloud applications. The system implements a variation of a zero-knowledge proof, a type of mathematical game that enables one of the game's players to prove to the other that he or she knows a secret key without actually divulging it.


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