07 December 2013

Fostering Internet Innovation

CORDIS News (12/02/13)
The European Union-funded enabling innovation in the Internet architecture through flexible flow-processing extensions (CHANGE) project is working to accelerate the introduction of core technologies across the network, and also to enable completely new developments, which should result in a better, more efficient Internet. CHANGE researchers want to develop a novel, flow-processing network architecture, making it possible to perform specific processing for some flows but not for others, which would enable developers to overcome the major barriers to the Internet's evolution. A key facet of CHANGE is that the platforms under development can be assembled from standard hardware that is scalable, powerful, and flexible. Open-standard technology will direct traffic flows that need special processing through a set of specific platforms, allowing faster innovation and the deployment of new network technologies. The researchers' overall goal is to develop a broad Internet architecture that combines multiple communicating flow-processing platforms, on which application-specific virtual networks can be built. The researchers say this will accelerate development of innovative products and services on the Internet and lower reduce network costs. They plan to validate the new architecture by testing it with novel applications and services.


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