26 January 2013

W3C Aims to Boost Cooperation on Standards With China

From ACM TechNews:
W3C Aims to Boost Cooperation on Standards With China
IDG News Service
(01/21/13) Michael Kan

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced plans to open a host location at Beihang University in a move aimed at improving cooperation with China on Internet standards. As the W3C looks to advance HTML5 and its Open Web Platform, efforts in China will initially focus on mobile technologies and online browsers. China has grown in strategic importance, now claiming the top PC and smartphone market in the world. Furthermore, China has 564 million Internet users, more than any other country, and accounts for 22 W3C members. W3C plans to hold more activities in China and draw more industry players and developers into creating international standards. The new host location will increase the W3C's staff presence in China to seven to 10 people, including technical and management staff. Although W3C already has an office at Beihang University, the office has only one or two people who focus on developer relations. Other W3C host locations include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, and Keio University.

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