20 November 2013

Building a High-Capacity, Faster Mobile Internet for Everyone

CORDIS News (11/14/13)

Europe has made mobile broadband expansion a top priority, as users seek access to the Internet, email, and workplaces from any location.  The European Union's Beyond Next Generation Mobile Broadband (BUNGEE) project, completed in June 2012, came close to achieving its ambitious goal of increasing the capacity of the mobile network from the current 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps, or 1000 Mbps per square kilometer.  Emerging technologies LTE and WiMAX only support 100 Mbps per square kilometer for regular cellular deployment, which is especially inadequate in dense urban areas with the greatest demand for wireless broadband access.  BUNGEE researchers created a heterogeneous broadband architecture that merges licensed and open radio spectra.  The effort produced a mobile radio system architecture, a high-capacity antenna system, and a deployment strategy based on below-rooftop access base stations.  The BUNGEE researchers say the approach greatly reduces the cost per bit of data transmitted.  The system was tested in a real-life mobile environment, and project partners say the resulting technologies have been promulgated as the new standard for high-capacity, radio-access broadband networks.


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