28 August 2012
25 August 2012
رئيس دائرة الاستخبارات بالحرس الثوري الإيراني: علينا مسؤولية دعم الأسد
@ElnashraNews: رئيس دائرة الاستخبارات بالحرس الثوري الإيراني: علينا مسؤولية دعم الأسد http://bit.ly/PPj0fR #Syria #Iran #fb Shared via TweetCaster
24 August 2012
19 August 2012
The Future of the Internet Is?a la Carte
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) recently asked a team of researchers from North Carolina State University (NCSU), the University of Massachusetts, the University of Kentucky, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to develop the key components for a networking architecture that could serve as the backbone of a new Internet that gives users more choices about which services they use. "Ultimately, this should make the Internet more flexible and efficient, and will drive innovation among service providers to cater to user needs," says NCSU professor Rudra Dutta. NSF says the new Internet architecture will hinge on users being able to make choices about which features and services they want to use. The architecture should encourage alternatives by providing different types of services, which would enable users to select the service that best meets their needs. The architecture also should enable users to reward service providers that offer superior services, which will encourage innovation. Finally, the architecture must be able to give users and service providers the ability to exchange information about the quality of the service being provided.
13 August 2012
A Makeover Made in Google's Image
Wall Street Journal
(08/09/12) Amir Efrati
Former Google executive Marissa Mayer has a plan to reverse Yahoo!'s waning fortunes as its new CEO, using lessons she applied at Google that include placing products and users first and developing or obtaining Web services that leverage social media, mobile devices, and other new platforms. Mayer has intimated to Yahoo! employees as part of her product-focused campaign that she wants to retool the Yahoo! Web-search and email service, whose use is in decline. Mayer also is interested in placing more Yahoo! content and advertising on other sites. This aligns with an old plan to launch a network that helps Web site publishers install new Yahoo! software on their pages to display visitor-customized articles and videos, which is known as content personalization. Moreover, the new CEO is striving to cultivate relationships with Yahoo!'s programmers through regular email discussions with software engineers who do not report to her. In addition, Mayer has emphasized the value of analyzing data on people's usage of Yahoo! Web sites and mobile apps, and the necessity of generating such user-behavior information before making decisions on whether to create a new service.
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09 August 2012
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07 August 2012
Chiffres - Le nombre de smartphones en circulation au US atteint les 110 millions.
Une étude montre à nouveau que l'iPhone a repris du poil de la bête dans les derniers mois aux Etats-Unis. Alors qu'il ne peut compter que sur un seul modèle, qui plus est en fin de vie, Apple voit sa part de marché croitre de 1,7 point à 32,4%, selon les derniers chiffres de comScore (fin mars à fin juin). Mais c'est Android qui continue à truster le haut du panier avec une croissance certes moindre (0,6 point) mais une part de marché bien supérieure à 51,6%. Plus de la moitié des smartphones vendus aux Etats-Unis est donc animée par le robot vert. Apple et Android se partagent 84% du marché. A la troisième place, RIM poursuit sa chute avec une part qui perd 1,6 point à 10,7%. Faute de nouveaux modèles attractifs. La déception est encore plus grande pour Windows Phone qui ne parvient pas à décoller. Malgré les efforts de Nokia et des baisses de prix sur le modèle le plus récent (Lumia 900), la part de marché de l'OS de Microsoft perd 0,1 point à 3,8%. Du côté des mobiles en général, Samsung reste en tête avec une part de 25,6% (-0,4 point), suivi de LG (18,8%, -0,5 point), Apple (15,4%, +1,4 point), Motorola (11,7%, -1,1 point) et HTC (6,4%, +0,4 point).